1. You register an account for the website (one time-only).
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  3. Once the account is activated, you will need to register as a bidder for each individual auction/event you are interested in.
  4. Once you completed the registration for the auction, we will ask you to pay a deposit.
  5. You can pay the deposit via Zelle at Tow Guys 702-677-0792
  6. or by cash by coming down to our location on 3823 Losee, N. Las Vegas, NV 89030.
  7. Once a deposit has been made, your username will be activated and enabled to bid.


For Returning Users:

  1. You will be registering for each individual auction/event.
  2. Once you completed the registration for the auction, we will ask you to pay a deposit.
  3. You can pay the deposit via Zelle at Tow Guys 702-677-0792 or by cash by coming down to our location on 3823 Losee Rd, N. Las Vegas, NV 89030.
  4. Once a deposit has been made, your username will be activated and enabled to bid.